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unfortunately his two cat siblings were too far gone and passed away. He had stopped eating so I made a stop to teach his foster how to tube feed.


Meet my latest incubaby cat ! This little cat guy and his litter mates came into CACC a few days ago in bad condition. They were pulled by @cat.nap.from.the.heart and sent into foster—unfortunately his two cat siblings were too far gone and passed away. He had stopped eating so I made a stop to teach his foster how to tube feed. Tube feeding can be a daunting skill, so to help ease the foster’s mind I took him home to get him fixed up. He is 3 weeks old and half the size he should be.

Thankfully after some fluids, B12, and tube feeding he appears to be making good strides! He purrs, he can walk around, he is alert…he just won’t eat. I’m always cautiously optimistic about these late-season kittens who are born to inexperienced moms that are already struggling because of the weather.

Send well wishes his way, he needs them.♥️ @windycityfosters said.


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A post shared by Alyssa Masten (@windycityfosters)

Look at him go! Little cat man started eating on his own today which mean no more feeding tube.🎉

He’s also super energetic, almost to the point where the incubator is too small for him! Such a big personality for a 220g body. He’s almost ready to go back to his original foster as soon as we figure out some constipation issues. @windycityfosterscat said.


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A post shared by Alyssa Masten (@windycityfosters)

This is cat Clover’s last incubator photo because he has officially graduated to a play pen!🎉 He is a ball of energy and is starting to use the litter box too. Exciting times! @windycityfosterscat said.
cat Spice was adopted yesterday morning (woohoo!), which leaves me with only this little guy. cat Clover is doing wonderfully, eating great, and packing on the pounds. Proud of him.♥️ @windycityfosterscat said.

From: @windycityfosterscat Follow @windycityfosterscat on Instagram & share this with your friends!
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