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Meet kitten Pot Roast Jr., or “Toast” for short! Some people are obsessed with human celebrities, but I on the other hand, am obsessed with animal celebrities. 1


Meet kitten Pot Roast Jr.,

Well, ya know what they say: out with the old & in with the new! I promised myself I’d take a break from fostering for a couple weeks, but I think we all knew that wouldn’t happen 🤣 Meet Pot Roast Jr., or “Toast” for short! Some people are obsessed with human celebrities, but I on the other hand, am obsessed with animal celebrities. Pretty much everyone on TikTok knows Pot Roast (@roastpot) — a cat with no teeth, but the personality of a lion. I knew he needed a strong name to help him grow, so Pot Roast was the perfect fit!

This little guy is somewhere between 1-4 days old & in pretty rough shape. A dog tried to attack him, his mom, and his siblings, but the mom grabbed all of them and ran; however, she dropped little Pot Roast and, sadly, never came back. He is dehydrated, underweight (only 90g), and the smallest kitten I’ve ever fostered (which is saying a lot)! But don’t you worry — he’ll be healthy, chonky, and happy in no time at all ❤️ I love you SO much already, Toast

@emiliexfosterskitten said.

kitten kitten kitten

Words can’t describe how much I love this little guy ❤️ Singletons have a special place in my heart because, not only are they orphans, but they don’t even have the comfort of snuggling up with their littermates 💔 Luckily, that also means that he gets 100% of my love and attention. You have so many people who adore you, Toasty 🍞

@emiliexfosterskitten said.


What a difference just a few days can make!! Toast has DOUBLED in size and is so chonky; I can’t believe how much this little man eats 😱 Do you notice what big milestone happened yesterday? 🤔 Let me know if you see it!

kitten kitten

This has officially become a Toast fan account & I will NOT apologize 😍 #potroastjr


Just a kitten in a fuzzy sock making biscuits ❤️

@emiliexfosterskitten said.


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I think Toast heard that today is #NationalKittenDay & decided it was time to see the world! Well, he actually can’t see much despite opening his eyes, but will be able to soon 👀 I love you so much, Roasty Toasty ❤️

@emiliexfosterskitten said.

Hi Toast! 👋🍞 I can’t believe how big this little guy is getting, I can barely even blink without him doubling in size! I have a super exciting announcement hopefully coming this week — any guesses what it is??

@emiliexfosterskitten said.


Have you ever seen cuter faces in your WHOLE life?! Seriously obsessed with these two 😻


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Toast & Marmie finally got to meet, and they are already the best of friends ❤️


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Related Story > kitten Betty’s mom is a feral cat who gave birth to her and her 2 siblings in someone’s backyard. About 1 week ago, the mom left and hasn’t been seen since kitten
From > @emiliexfosterskitten Don’t forget to share this with your Friends.