Welcome new kitten babies! They have an all black brother as well. Names and story to come, I’m just getting them settled ❤ @whiskersnpurrs said.
This new crew is SO sweet! All purrs and affection. But oh my, when they get playing… it’s mayhem! Check out my saved livestream from last night to see what I mean 😳 @whiskersnpurrs said.
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Allow me to introduce the Three Amigos! … Steve, Martin & Chevy. I know my Gen X kitten lovers will appreciate this, even if the post-Millennials don’t have a clue 😂
These three were part of a group of about a dozen kittens born to two sisters. They were co-mothered outside under the care of humans. So even though they’ve never been inside, they’re very well adjusted and social. I told the whole story in my saved livestream if you want to hear the details.
The boys are 9 weeks old and will be seeing the vet tomorrow, and if their health checks out then they’ll be up for adoption. They’re here for a good time, not a long time! 🐱 @whiskersnpurrs said.
These boys are the sweetest! All purrs, all the time. I walk in the room and they start purring. They’re so well socialized considering they were born and raised outside. I saw them playing with a large dog, and one was being carried around by a toddler. I guess despite being outside, they had a lot of interactions with the family and that makes all the difference in the first eight weeks 😍 @whiskersnpurrs said.
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I’m squeezing in as much cuddling as I can this morning. The boys are getting picked up to go to their vet appointments soon, and they probably won’t be coming back here. They’re ready for adoption.
Their time here was far too short! I’m so in love with them already. Each one is so sweet ❤ @whiskersnpurrs said.
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Part 7/7 of our 5 years of fostering celebration!
In 2019 I’ve fostered 33 cats and kittens… so far!
The Spudfluffs came from the Yukon and I gave them potato names. Yukon and Marabel were adopted by a young couple who harness trained them and take them on adventures 🐱 #spudfluffs.
The Big City Kitties were transferred from Vancouver. I named them after streets I lived on in my 20’s. Cambie & Davie were adopted to a young couple @siggyandmodi. Nelson and Barclay were also adopted as a pair @bennynjack #bigcitykitties🐱.
Kiera was an owner surrender with two tiny newborns. Zoe was extremely underweight and had to be bottlefed. Mama Kiera had major tortitude and made me so nervous until she settled and became a total sweetheart 😍 #kierascuties.
Lola was an orphan who came to me at 3 weeks old. She was a fluffy bundle of cheeky colourpoint perfection #littlelola💕 @lolansimon.
I found the Three Amigos on Craigslist. The family’s two young cats had a dozen kittens! They were spayed #Threeamigoskittens.
Annabelle and Isabelle were the sweetest long haired sisters. They were adopted together by a retired couple and are now living the pampered life 🙏🏻 #annyandizzy.
The West Coast kittens were born in a forest and trapped at 8 weeks old. They came to me as hissy feral babies. Flora decided she thought I was OK and this led Forest and River to come around. They left as snuggly lap kitties 😍 #westcoastkittens.
The cow patty kittens got their name because they came from a farm and reeked of manure. Bree & Tucker were semi-feral and very sick with URI’s. Wanda and Boris came a bit later from the same farm. Eventually they all healed and were adopted ☺️ #cowpattykittens.
Nala and her nuggets were an owner surrender. Nala was a great mom until the babies were 6 weeks old, then she promptly rejected them! Charlotte, Wilbur, and Fern were all adopted immediately 🙏🏻 #nalasnuggets.
The northern kittens are my current fosters. They were transferred from a tiny northern community in BC. They will see the vet this week. All of them have homes lined up 🙏🏻 #northernkittens @whiskersnpurrs said.
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