Time to introduce the new kids! This little guy cat is Finch. He’s the smallest of the bunch and the only one I’ve gotten a purr out of so far! Very excited to watch his little personality unfold as he becomes more comfortable with me. Welcome Finch!♥️ (kitten 1/3) #thebirdkitties
Their story: last night I picked up 3 kittens ages 5-6 weeks old. They’re from a Tennessee shelter so I don’t have their full backstory, but I do know that they’re very healthy and a little skittish around humans. My job is to socialize them and help them reach 2 lbs! windycityfosters says!

appy Friday! Finch discovered the little cave on the cat tree and has made it his preferred sleeping spot.😴
Sunday might be cleaning day, but I’ll drop pretty much anything to give Finch belly rubs!💗
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How is this thing supposed to work?! Do I bite it? Maybe I enter from the top?? Oooh.” -Finch
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Finch! ♥️😻
here’s a little gap between the hidey hole and the upper platform on the cat tree. 2 weeks ago they could all fit under there with ease, but now they’ve gotten so big that only one kitten can fit at a time! Finch has dibs right now.😂
Look whose back (it’s Finch, from my last litter)! Unfortunately when a foster comes back, it’s never good news. At first when the shelter messaged me that he needs to go back into foster, I assumed it was a URI and a declined to take him because I don’t have the space to quarantine a sick kitten. After looking at his chart, he wasn’t sick at all. He was dropping in weight and refusing to eat. The clinic observed him for a week, put him on probiotics, and discovered that he’s a “social eater”, meaning he will ONLY eat when someone is sitting next to him and petting him. This picture is from a couple weeks ago…my heart broke a little when I saw him in the shelter today. His eyes are sunken in and he looks gaunt. Don’t worry Finch, a little one-on-one time will fix you right up.♥️
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Related Story > new foster kitten baby, Otter!🦦 He’s about 4-5 days old. He found outside