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This is Panther. We’ve been hanging out for a couple days getting to know eachother. this kitten was found at a farm all by himself a couple weeks ago .


This is kitten Panther. We’ve been hanging out for a couple days getting to know eachother. He was found at a farm all by himself a couple weeks ago and another foster home was caring for him until I returned from holidays. He’s chunky and healthy, super messy eater and a screamer. I love him already 😍 #farmpanther🐾 @whiskersnpurrs said.
Messy little Panther 😆 @whiskersnpurrs said.

My little Panther is 4 weeks old today. His personality is starting to emerge and he’s quite the character! He’s a screamer, he loves to bite my nose, he’s always hangry, and he has a big panther purr 😍 @whiskersnpurrs said.

This is why Panther looks like such a hot mess after feedings! 😆.
I debated sharing this as I know that people will find it hard not to criticize or offer unsolicited advice. But I think it could be really helpful for newbie fosters to see that bottle feeding doesn’t always go smoothly.
I’ve had other bottle babies get frustrated, but never to this degree. Dale used to slap at the bottle but as soon as he got a good latch, he settled right down and guzzled it back in a minute. But Panther never really gets a solid latch or the tell-tale ear wiggle. That’s why I’m using the syringe – so I can keep a flow of KMR going. It’s a balance between keeping enough flowing so he doesn’t get angry and disengage, but not so much that he chokes or aspirates.
Sometimes there’s a good reason a kitten might get frustrated – the KMR could be too cold or too hot, the nipple may be clogged, or they may be full. In the beginning I thought Panther was just full, but after a week of feeding him I now know that if I stop feeding him part way when he fusses, he starts screaming for more soon after. Panther gets really worked up and sometimes I need to just take a break and let him cool off for a minute before trying again.
Also, not all kittens like the same position. Panther mostly prefers to be standing, and when I gently ease him down he just pushes back up again. When I try to support his paws he gets pissed off and disingages. So I just let him claw at the syringe as that’s what he prefers.
Because of all the fussing he gets covered in KMR! It’s really important to give them a thorough wipe down after feeding as the kitten milk dries like glue and doesn’t wash out. You have to comb it out and this often results in clumps of fur being removed.
So, just remember that it’s not always sweet tender moments with a happy baby latched on and kneading your palm! Sometimes it’s a shit show and can take ten minutes or more, which is super fun in the middle of the night! 🤦🏼‍♀️ @whiskersnpurrs said.

I’m not posting a lot of photos of Panther because he is SO hard to photograph! Apparently @iamthecatphotographer gave a seminar today about photographing black cats that I should have attended. But I was too busy dealing with a flat tire 🤦🏼‍♀️ #blackcats #farmpanther🐾 @whiskersnpurrs said.



I spent the entire day snuggling with this little darling. Time well spent ❤️ @whiskersnpurrs said.

So this was taken last night. His little mind was blown by his first taste of meat pate and he ate seconds and thirds. Today, he wouldn’t touch it! I almost lost a finger trying to get a taster into his mouth 😳 @whiskersnpurrs said.

Ferocious Panther 😆 @whiskersnpurrs said.


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Just got stalked by a tiny panther in my own bed! @whiskersnpurrs said.

Avocado toast and panther snuggles for breakfast? 🙋🏼‍♀️ @whiskersnpurrs said.

Panther or bear cub? 🤔 @whiskersnpurrs said.
Panther’s eyes are starting to turn green. I know it’s not obvious in this photo so you’ll have to take my word for it! 😆 @whiskersnpurrs said.
Small panther doing big brave things 😍 @whiskersnpurrs said.

Makin’ new fwens 😍 @whiskersnpurrs said.

Panther is trying out to be a gangster. He already has a good handle, he just needs to figure out the secret pawshake 🐾 @whiskersnpurrs said.

Enjoying some one-on-one time with my pocket Panther, who is quickly outgrowing my pockets! He’s so much bigger than the gangsters, even though I estimate he’s about 12 days younger. He’s being very brave with all the changes this weekend, and I know soon he’s going to be one of the gang and forget all about his life as an only kitten 😍 @whiskersnpurrs said.
#tbt Panther with a strawberry. Panther with a fish. Panther with a VERY big dog. Panther with his future girlfriend 😍 @whiskersnpurrs said.

Oh hey there, how you doin’? 😍 @whiskersnpurrs said.
His old man ear and chin hair is coming in splendidly 😆 @whiskersnpurrs said.

From : @whiskersnpurrs Follow @whiskersnpurrs On Instagram… & Share This With your Friends!
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