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Then they found her two kitten sisters last night, who have eye infections that are much more severe.


Then they found her two kitten sisters last night, who have eye infections that are much more severe.

Picked up these three yesterday from @andersonanimalshelter. The last kitten pictured came in while I was working so of course I just had to take her home!



Then they found her two sisters last night, who have eye infections that are much more severe.



These pictures were taken only an hour after I cleaned them up…their eyes had already crusted over again. Thankfully eye drops and ointment seem to be helping and this morning their eyes were open! That’s not to say they can see though—I’m unsure if the little grey kitten will ever be able to use her eyes again. She’s in rough shape and I’ve had to tube feed her for the past couple feedings. I’m sure she’ll get the hang of the bottle, but she’s so small that she can’t afford to skip feedings right now so until then she gets the tube. The tabbies have a good chance of recovering with their sight though. They’re bigger and healthier overall, so I think they’ll be ok. I’ll post their names in a bit! Check my stories for updates on my 11 other fosters♥️



We have names! Introducing the #grasslandkittens. In order of the pictures we have Meadow, Lea (pronounced Ley), and Prairie.



Their eyes are looking a lot better, although it appears that Lea is blind. I’m talking to the shelter vet about how far gone her eyes are and what options she had,



but ultimately time will tell whether she will have sight or will have to get them removed. Either way, she’s a happy girl! Also, all three of them have latched on to the nipple, so no more tube feeding…yay!!🍼



Update on Lea! Her eyes have shown tremendous improvement over the past few days! Her corneal ulcers continue to shrink with antibiotic treatment. This doesn’t mean she’ll regain her sight and it isn’t a guarantee that she won’t have to have her eyes removed when she’s older, but it’s a step in the right direction. She’s also almost to a healthy body score—far from the scrawny sick kitten that came into the shelter last week. So happy with her progress!!



Meadow, Prairie, Lea, Kaboodle, Fern, Otter (my 6 bottle babies) and I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who donated formula. When I found myself down to my last canister, y’all came through!! This will be enough to last me months! ⁣

Thank you @nicole82681 and Sarah W. for donating 4.5 lb bags!! ⁣

Thank you Christina F., Judie Z., Emily and Quinn, Sharon, @michwojo, Jacob, @porter_luvs_waggoner, Rachel F., Kim D., Lauren W., and Kathleen K. for donating canisters! ⁣

And thank you Katherine L. for donating canisters and three packs of syringes!⁣

You’re all amazing! I appreciate you so much.♥️ ⁣


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I have updates on both Kit and Lea’s eyeball situations. Kit’s update is first! She saw the vet last Saturday to figure out what exactly is happening with that left eye. Despite Terramycin, Tobramycin, and Clavamox it just wasn’t getting better! The vet took a look at it and apparently the eyeball isn’t fully developed, so it is not functioning and has sunken in. It’s not hurting her and isn’t an urgent problem, so she’s going to have it removed during her spay surgery in a few weeks! Don’t worry, my lil cyclops doesn’t even notice anything is out of the ordinary. She plays and runs around just like the happy kitten she is!



Second update: Lea! Her corneal ulcers are all healed up. She’s left with these entrancing blue foggy eyes. They might allow her to see shadows, but she is still considered blind. Please don’t feel sad or upset for her—her hearing and smell will allow her to live a normal life! Shes 4 weeks old and playing and tackling her sisters just like normal. Nothing is going to hold this little girl back!♥️



Kit is practicing her balance in preparation for becoming a shoulder kitten for her future adopter. Who doesn’t want a mini panther to ride around on their shoulders all day? You’d be like a pirate, except instead of a parrot it’s a goofy one-eyed kitten that plays with your hair and purrs in your ear



Meadow, Prairie, and Lea are at the clinic today! Their URI flared up again yesterday and turned into a bacterial infection so we’re seeing about getting them some antibiotics. It always happens so quickly…one day the third eyelids are showing and the next they can hardly breathe out of their noses. Thankfully it usually clears up quickly with medication!🦠

Side note: Lea has been blind since 2 weeks old, it is not a result of her current infection

kitten kitten


Kit and Kaboodle did great through spay/neuter surgery! And good news—Kit didn’t have to have her eye removed! According to the vet, her eye never even grew and isn’t bothering her at all. But the best news…these two are now available for pre-adoption!! Visit to fill out an application. First priority is given to those wanting to adopt in pairs!



Look at this girl!! Just a few weeks ago the vet and I didn’t think Lea would have any sight other than some shadows. We continued antibiotics regardless and what a difference it made! She gained a lot of the vision in her left eye and some in her right. Although she would have been perfectly fine as a blind cat, I’m thrilled that she will have some ability to see.♥️




Kit and Kaboodle are still available for adoption! We’ve gotten a few applications for Kaboodle, but none for Kit, our panther princess and none from people wanting to open their home to both of them. They came into animal control together as 3 week old orphans and are hoping to go home together as a pair. They really are the perfect duo…Kit balances out Kaboodle’s fun and crazy personality with her cuddly and calm nature! Never a dull moment with these two. If you’re interested in adopting them, please visit the link in my bio. They’re being fostered in the Chicagoland area through @foreverfortunatefelines!

PS Kaboodle’s eye is ok, I just caught him in the middle of a nap so he’s squinting at me in annoyance😂

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