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Their mother was with kitten but her milk dried up and she was no longer interested in caring for her kittens.


Their mother was with kitten but her milk dried up and she was no longer interested in caring for her kittens.

New foster kitten babies!✨⁣



I just picked these three up from @andersonanimalshelter after they were pulled from Kankakee Animal Control early this morning. Their mother was with them but her milk dried up and she was no longer interested in caring for her kittens. This late in the year, she’s most likely thin and exhausted from popping out litters all summer. The good news is she’ll never have to go through that again! She will be spayed and adopted out while her kittens stay with me.♥️⁣



The kittens are about 1-2 weeks old and just starting to open their eyes. Because they weren’t getting any milk from mom, they’re only ~100 grams which is the weight of a newborn. They should be closer to 200 grams at this age. Thankfully they’re good eaters so I’m optimistic that they’ll get to a healthy weight in no time! Names coming tomorrow!



Time for official introductions! Up first we have Starlight! For such a little kitten, she’s got a big personality (and a big appetite)! She’s already got this whole “drinking milk from a syringe instead of mom” thing down. I love this chunky girl so much.



Next up is Sunshine! She’s the smallest of the three and doesn’t latch on to the syringe very well, but she gained a ton of weight today so I’m sure she’ll get the hang of it soon. She’s the sweetest little girl! Her enthusiastic purrs absolutely melt my heart. Can’t wait until her eyes open all the way!☀️



Last but not least, meet Moonbeam! Just like her sister Sunshine, she’s got a purr motor that could challenge a small engine! I’m obsessed with this smol house panther and her bright baby blue eyes. I forgot how much I love having bottle babies!☺️



Starlight was visited by the eyeball fairy last night!🧚🏻‍♀️👀


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A sunny day and a warm bottle makes Moonbeam a happy kitten! Watch until the end to see her adorable milk mustache.🍼♥️


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Spa day for Sunshine! I’m absolutely in love with this tiny 5 oz tiger.☀️💖


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When you’re just trying to take a nap but your sister won’t stop moving and keeps getting her fluff in your personal bubble


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A post shared by Alyssa Masten (@windycityfosters)

There has been a conspiracy theory floating around that Moonbeam and her sisters are in fact NOT kittens! The theories are Bear cubs, lion cubs, otter pups, kitten-shaped clouds, cotton balls, and those Pom Pom keychains you keep seeing everywhere. What do you think?🐻☁️



This video makes me SOOO happy!! Here’s why: this past week Sunshine has really been having trouble eating. Sometimes she’d latch on for 1 or 2 mL and I could slowly drip the rest into her mouth. Other times she’d completely resist and I had to resort to tube feeding to avoid the risk of aspiration. Yesterday she finally got the hang of syringe feeding and has been downing 7-8 mLs every feeding!! YAY!!! She’s about 160 grams now. While that’s still quite underweight for a 2.5 week old kitten, she’s lot stronger than the 98 gram kitten she was last Saturday! Go Sunshine! ☀️🍼♥️


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Starlight and Sunshine comin’ atcha with that tiny tabby charm!✨



Moonbeam’s turn!🧖‍♀️ Who else is in love with her lil’ white eyebrow hairs??♥️


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The babies are a little over 3 weeks old now! They’re starting to explore, their eyesight and hearing are improving, and their tiny little teeth are starting to come in. I moved them from their plastic bin to the playpen this morning. It’s an exciting time! Can’t believe how fast they’re growing!



3.5 weeks old vs 2 weeks old. Starlight is a lot less skinny and a lot more floofy!




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Related Story > this kitten They were brought in to the shelter after a woman found them in her garage.