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The #icecreamcone kittens are 7 weeks, and #ollietheorangeguy is one week old.


The #icecreamcone kittens are 7 weeks, and #ollietheorangeguy is one week old.

Culver’s eyes are really clearing up from his upper respiratory infection, but the girls still have some goopy eyes. Definitely improving though! I cannot wait to see baby Ollie’s eyes when the Eyeball Fairy 🧚‍♀️ pays him a visit. @kitten_faces said.
Big day for the bigger kittens- they now have free reign of the kitten room. So far, no unwanted “surprises” on the floor, and they’re having fun exploring. Culver is becoming more relaxed.
#icecreamconekittens @kitten_faces said.


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A post shared by Barb, Kitten Mom (@kitten_faces)

Sweet dreams to all our friends. @kitten_faces said.
Good morning from Kittenland!🌞
No one charging the door yet, because they’re used to me coming in throughout the night to feed Ollie.
“Oh. Her again.” 😸 @kitten_faces said.


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A post shared by Barb, Kitten Mom (@kitten_faces)

Ollie has many “Good morning wake ups” a day. 😽 @kitten_faces said.


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A post shared by Barb, Kitten Mom (@kitten_faces)

The morning bounce. Kittens are made of rubber, obviously. @kitten_faces said.


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A post shared by Barb, Kitten Mom (@kitten_faces)

Ollie goes outside! @kitten_faces said.


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A post shared by Barb, Kitten Mom (@kitten_faces)

Revolving doors. @kitten_faces said.


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A post shared by Barb, Kitten Mom (@kitten_faces)

How do I love thee, Ollie? Let me count the ways.
1. Newly opened eyeballs
2. That nose freckle
3. The soft little ear flaps (I call these “earlets”
4. A nose the color of my favorite lip gloss
5. I’ll stop here; I could go on and on. @kitten_faces said.


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A post shared by Barb, Kitten Mom (@kitten_faces)

A fun day for these babies! They love all the room to run around.
However, someone did a tinkle in the peaches box. 😬🙀 @kitten_faces said.


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A post shared by Barb, Kitten Mom (@kitten_faces)

Sweet dreams to all our friends. @kitten_faces said.
Good Monday morning from Kittenland!😽 @kitten_faces said.


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A post shared by Barb, Kitten Mom (@kitten_faces)

Morning weigh in with Ollie. 230 grams! @kitten_faces said.


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A post shared by Barb, Kitten Mom (@kitten_faces)

Look! They are dining in a civilized manner. No more growling or food aggression. They’ve figured out Kittenland is pretty much a 24/7 buffet. @kitten_faces said.


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A post shared by Barb, Kitten Mom (@kitten_faces)

Ollie loves dining al fresco. @kitten_faces said.


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A post shared by Barb, Kitten Mom (@kitten_faces)

Outside live with Ollie 🍃🌞 @kitten_faces said.


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A post shared by Barb, Kitten Mom (@kitten_faces)

Never gets old. @kitten_faces said.


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A post shared by Barb, Kitten Mom (@kitten_faces)

Good morning from Kittenland 🐕🐈‍⬛ @kitten_faces said.


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A post shared by Barb, Kitten Mom (@kitten_faces)

Belly pudge and tippy toes
~Culver~ @kitten_faces said.
Ollie sucking his thumb may very well be the highlight of your Tuesday. @kitten_faces said.


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A post shared by Barb, Kitten Mom (@kitten_faces)

Donut fun 🍩
#icecreamconekittens @kitten_faces said.


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A post shared by Barb, Kitten Mom (@kitten_faces)

Springs, tags, the tower of tracks, and 3 of the sweetest babies playing next to me. 😻 @kitten_faces said.


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A post shared by Barb, Kitten Mom (@kitten_faces)

Robbin is my laundry helper.
We have big news! Stay tuned. @kitten_faces said.

From > @kitten_faces Follow @kitten_faces On Instagram and don’t forget to share this with your Friends.
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