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Meet kitten mum to be Lillian who has just arrived and is feeling a little unsure of herself – not that you can tell from this clip.


Meet kitten mum to be Lillian who has just arrived and is feeling a little unsure of herself – not that you can tell from this clip.

Do you think I’ll like it here? 😳

Meet mum to be Lillian who has just arrived and is feeling a little unsure of herself – not that you can tell from this clip.

As Sage was a bit stressed out by all our construction noises and kitties the shelter found her a quieter less cat filled foster home to go to instead.

So we said an early goodbye last night while she still has plenty of time to settle into her new foster home before her kittens arrive.

We picked up Lillian at the same time and our new girl is finding it a little strange being in a room that probably still smells a lot like Sage.

But hopefully she’ll settle in quickly and realise she and her future babies will be safe here 🤞

So please wish Sage well and welcome Lillian to the family 🥰💞 @nxxbliss.fosters said.

Will you stay and keep me company? #dontgoyet #stayandplay

Pretty calico kitty and mum to be Lillian is starting to settle into her new space but is still quite nervous when she’s on her own.

So when I visit her she’s always keen for me to stay as long as possible and tries to grab me when I leave.

I’m hoping her confidence will grow once she’s been here for awhile and realises that it’s safe for her to relax even when she’s on her own 🤞

Happy weekend furends 🤗💕 @nxxbliss.fosters said.

I don’t want to play today, can we cuddle instead? 🥰

Nervous kitty Lillian is finally starting to spend some time out of hiding when I’m not in the kitten room with her.

So far it’s only for a little while at a time, when she can hear me near by and is hoping to get me to visit, but every little step counts.

She had a bit of a set back yesterday when we were hit by a big storm and all the noise put her on edge but she was happy to come out for a cuddle as soon as it was all over.

Well done cutie 🥳💕 @nxxbliss.fosters said.

If you’re happy and you know it raise your paw. 🔊 sound up for purrs 🥰

Cute mama to be Lillian loves to play but is doing a good job of chewing through all her toys.

I wish she was as easy to please when it comes to food as I’m struggling to find something she wants to eat.

As a rescue kitty Lillian is a little underweight and could do with feeding up a bit before the kittens arrive.

Mamas to be normally eat lots until about the day before they’re ready to give birth

So I’m hoping I can find her something she likes before it’s too late 🤞💕 @nxxbliss.fosters said.

Should we play or nap? #lazysundaymorning 😴💤

Pretty kitty Lillian has been here just over a week and has finally decided it’s not so scary after all.

She’s still not convinced about the neighbours and seems to think that they’re a bit rowdy.

But she’s started to snooze out in the open durning the day, instead of hiding all day, which is so nice to see.

She’s also stopped the nervous biting and grabbing me with claws that she used to do and even started to give me little nose bump kisses which is so sweet.

So spending time together has become far more enjoyable and it’s nice to be able to relax into each other’s company 🥰

Happy weekend furends 🤗💞 @nxxbliss.fosters said.

Where did the weekend go? 🙄

Poor pretty kitty Lillian is starting to find it difficult to get comfortable and is getting restless as she tries to find a good position to sleep in.

My sweet girl is still purring happily despite her discomfort but is sneezing and spluttering far more than I would like.

So I’ve asked for a vet visit and hopefully we can get her feeling better quickly as I don’t think our sweet girl will need to wait much longer before the babies arrive 🤞

Happy new week and wish us luck 🤗💞 @nxxbliss.fosters said.

Happy to be home 🔊 Sound up for purrs 🥰

Sweet kitty Lillian did really well on our trip to the vet yesterday despite her nerves.

It was nice to see how much her trust in me had grown as she allowed me to reassure her that she was safe despite all the strangeness of a vet visit

I wasn’t sure how she would react when we got home but she seemed relieved to be back and quickly settled down and relax after all the excitment.

Our pretty girl is now on meds twice a day which will hopefully kick in quickly and help with her breathing.

Keep your fingers crossed for up 🤞💖 @nxxbliss.fosters said.

Purring through gritted teeth 😸

Cute mum to be Lillian is feeling and sounding far better after a week on meds and has rediscovered her playful nature while she waits for her babies.

I couldn’t convince her that if she let go I could make her toy more interesting to play with and in the end she wrestled it off of and ran off with it.

So far there’s still no sign she’s in a rush to give birth but it’s nice to see her in a happy and playful mood while she waits.

Happy whisker Wednesday 😁💖 @nxxbliss.fosters said.

Wake me up when the kittens get here 😴💤 Any guesses on when you think they’ll arrive? I 🤔#happyfriday💕

Waiting for kittens is like waiting for Friday it seems so far away at times and then suddenly it’s here.

It doesn’t help that Lillian’s been here 3 weeks now when pregnant mums normal arrive a couple of days before giving birth at most.

But at least our cute mum to be is starting to enjoy her surrounding a bit more while she waits.

Yesterday she was even brave enough to climb the scratching pole up to the window shelf to stalk a fly.

I was a bit nervous about the pole holding her and she pushed the shelf (which can be collapsed down to stop fosters ) away far more than I’d like when she got up.

But I was able to move it and her back in place and she seemed to like being up there.

She even enjoyed spying on the neighbours. So I’m hoping she’ll used it again to make her wait a bit more fun.

I’m guessing the kittens will be here in the next few days, what do you think?

Happy Friday furends 😸💖 @nxxbliss.fosters said.

From > @nxxbliss.fosters Follow @nxxbliss.fosters On Instagram and don’t forget to share this with your Friends .
Related Story > A happy story… 4 one week old kittens orphans were found in a box. Fat and healthy, but who knows where their mom is.