Meet kitten Flint, named after the Flint River in Georgia. He’s one of the smallest kittens but he’s got a big voice! He is certain his growls will scare off even the fiercest predators. @windycityfosters said.
Try and ignore the TV in the background to realize that…omg! kitten Flint is purring while I give him head scratches!! I’m not sure what caused his sudden change of heart, especially since he just got a big mouthful of panacur, but this is definitely a #fostermomwin.
Panacur is a dewormer they need because (of course) they have mild diarrhea and the vet thinks it’s worms. @windycityfosters said.
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he river kittens are still struggling with diarrhea. Unfortunately it did not improve today so I’ve sent a message about it to the shelter and I am awaiting a response back. The next steps depend on what they say. Thankfully, the babies are still active, eating well, and hydrated (pink gums and skin snaps back), but not for long if we don’t fix this. @windycityfosters said.
Thank you to all who gave well wishes and suggestions. I appreciate the support! @windycityfosters said.
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Well the diarrhea is unfortunately still here but it has improved a tiny bit! Most of it is still either completely liquid or mostly mucus, but there have been a few semi solids. I accredit this to the S. Boulardii probiotic I’ve been giving them… I don’t think the panacur did much of anything. I’ve got more probiotics coming soon and I’m also giving pedialyte and prescription food, but these things can only do so much. Shelter wants me to finish the prescription food before they take further steps and I’ve got about two days worth, so not much more I can do at this point. By some miracle, the babies have remained hydrated and active, which is a great relief. Thank you for all the support! Fingers crossed this situation improves soon.🤞🏻 @windycityfosters said.
Can you tell who’s who? kitten Rio is on the right and kitten Flint is on the left! I’ve never had a pair of black kittens look so similar! Normally I can spot subtle differences in face and body shape, but if you told me these two are identical twins I wouldn’t doubt it. The only way I can tell them apart is eye color and the fact that Flint weighs less.👀 @windycityfosters said.