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Meet kitten Blossom! This little baby and his brother came into animal control a couple of days ago. They were only 88 grams and one day old.


Meet  kitten Blossom! This little baby and his brother came into animal control a couple of days ago. They were only 88 grams and one day old. Thankfully, they seem to be doing well at the moment! Many times spending hours at animal control, sometimes without being fed or given a heat source, can cause permanent damage to their little bodies. I have my fingers crossed that these boys left unscathed.♥️ @themarigoldkittencrew said.


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Blossom is pictured above. I was going to post a video of Blossom’s brother, Orange, next. But when I went to feed them this morning I found that Orange had died between feedings. 💔

This was sudden but not entirely surprising, as his appetite and energy began to decrease slowly through the night. A common series of events seen in newborn kittens from difficult and not entirely known backgrounds. He got fluids, antibiotics, and supplements to give his body the tools it would need to keep fighting. Unfortunately he was not able to pull through.

Blossom remains. He also got the concoction of medication and supplements as his appetite is not where it should be either. He is being tube fed every two hours. We will see where this goes, but know I am pulling out all the stops for him.

Rest In Peace, Orange. @themarigoldkittencrew said.
The other day I picked up three new little newborns whose mother had not returned for them. Potential future friends for Blossom? Perhaps. All I can tell you right now that they’re good eaters, they’re adorable as hell, and they have the sharpest little nails.🐻 @themarigoldkittencrew said.

From > @themarigoldkittencrew Follow @themarigoldkittencrew on Instagram and don’t forget to share this with your Friends.
Related Story > After a couple of very early starts all of our little kitten have now opened their eyes and are getting used to the new sensation. (update)