My sweet (and very messy) little kitten skunk 😍🦨
Skunk is quite underweight for his age and is not so sure about eating all by himself. For now he is being syringe fed some formula mixed with wet food and seems to be enjoying it.
To anyone who sent tissues, wet wipes, syringes, formula, wet food, and probably plenty of other things my sleepy brain is forgetting, Skunk would like to say thank you. Skunk ALONE is using every single one of those supplies y’all sent. Thank you from the both of us💕 @fostermotherofkittens said.
Possum has been making me a little nervous because it didn’t seem like she was gaining much weight. This last feeding she gained 10 grams which is huge for a kitten her size. She’s a sweet curious little girl. I can’t wait to see her thriving. Her little silent mews melt my heart 🥹
Skunk is doing great, he is still eating slurry out of a syringe and gaining weight like a champ.
Cheese, Lola, Tito, and Boba are all also doing really well! I even caught Tito peeing in the litter-box today! 😮 @fostermotherofkittens said.
Bo and Pudge are living it up in the socialization room just waiting to find their forever homes 😊
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A mood
Oh Skunky, what the heck am I gonna do with you?? You need to grow up and eat like a big boy!
🦨: I jus a baby 😠 @fostermotherofkittens said.
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He’s behind me, isn’t he? 👀🦨😂 @fostermotherofkittens said.
Skunk broke out of the tespo pen, so he has forced me to graduate him to the big kids room. So far, Bo and Pudge have been mostly welcoming 😂😅 @fostermotherofkittens said.
Skönk 🦨 @fostermotherofkittens said.