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It’s a kitten yard sale! How many do you count? 😳 #yogakittens🙏🏻


It’s a kitten yard sale! How many do you count? 😳 @whiskersnpurrs said.

Livestream introduction to the new fosters kitten ❤️ @whiskersnpurrs said.

Good morning from Kittenopolis 🐱 #somanykittens @whiskersnpurrs said.

I’ve been very busy with the new crew, so I’m sorry there hasn’t been time for Instagram. None of them were thriving and gaining weight so I’ve been supplementing them with KMR a couple times a day. All eleven! Needless to say my hands are full.
I took our runty baby to the vet this morning and he’s there now getting supportive care. He’s been with me for a week and has not gained any weight and is really struggling. He’s 10 days old and only weighs 129 grams. Please send some love for him ❤️ @whiskersnpurrs said.

A glimpse at this morning’s flailing practice 😆 #yogakittens🙏🏻  @whiskersnpurrs said.


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A post shared by Kitten Foster Home 🐱 (@whiskersnpurrs)

At long last, I’d like to introduce you to the yoga kittens: Ananda, Bindi, Bodhi, Buddha, Dev, Guru, Lila, Mala, Prana, Shanti, and angel baby Sumeru 🌈.
The moms are Kali and Karma. They’re domestic surrenders and I’m not certain, but I’m guessing they might be mother daughter. Kali is bigger and more confident. Karma is smaller and quite unsure of herself which makes me think this might be her first litter. This is all speculation of course!
I noticed early on that neither mom was spending enough time nursing the babies and none were gaining weight. Also they are co-parenting and don’t always feed at the same time so there’s a lot of competition at the milk bar. So I started supplementing with kitten milk and everyone is doing well now.
Karma’s six kittens were born June 27th so they’re 16 days old today. Kali’s kittens are estimated to be born around June 16th so would be 4 weeks old tomorrow. There’s now six girls and four boys ❤️ #yogakittens🙏🏻 @whiskersnpurrs said.

Mama Kali feeding her grand babies 😍.
As often as possible I separate the two litters so that the littlest ones have a chance to nurse without competition from the big ones. I usually put the younger ones on Kali because she has more nipples and seems to be producing more milk. The moms treat all the kittens the same ❤️ #coparenting #yogakittens🙏🏻 @whiskersnpurrs said.

ali is HANGRY! Did you know mama cats can eat 3-4 times as much when they’re nursing?! It takes a lot of calories and good quality protein to grow healthy kittens. Kali and Karma are getting wet food three times a day, as well as free access to kitten kibble. Thanks @gosolutions.petfood.petfood for keeping our mamas healthy🐱 #gosolutionspartner #sponsored. @whiskersnpurrs said.
They’re a squirmy pile of Halloween gummy worms 😆 #yogakittens🙏🏻 @whiskersnpurrs said.

From : @whiskersnpurrs  introduction to the new fosters one by one in next article 🙂 don’t forget to share this with Your Friends!
Related Story > She’s the smallest kitten of the bunch, and doesn’t like the bottle so we’re struggling to get weight on her. #yogakittens🙏🏻