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Not the news I wanted to share. I let kitten Zion go this morning. His status declined and he started having seizures. To say I’m broken this morning is an understatement.


kitten Zion has survived panleukopenia just to get a nasty URI. He’s finally turned the corner and isn’t showing symptoms anymore. He’s just skinny and slow to be a crazy kitty again. I love our little morning cuddles and pets. Send your healing vibes his way so he continues to get better.@theswiftiekittens said.
Zion came to work with me. He just isn’t getting better as quickly as I’d like. His white blood cells are high so he’s fighting an infection. His bilirubin is up so I’m worried about his lack of an appetite. He will be on supportive care and IV antibiotics now. @theswiftiekittens said.


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Zion is in good spirits. He’s eating better and seems happier. His fever has improved too. He’s still on IV fluids but now at my home. I love his little meow. @theswiftiekittens said.


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A post shared by Jessica Thompson (@theswiftiekittens)

Sweet sweet Zion is at the ER today. @dovelewispdx fit him in immediately. He was doing so much better last night but crashed this morning. I woke up to him having tremors, very cold and covered in his drool and possibly some urine. I threw on some day clothes and rushed him in. Through many tears and what felt like the longest 10 minute car ride we made it. He was very cold (wouldn’t read temp on the thermometer), had an extremely low blood glucose and showing neurologic signs. They started treatment right away and are going to do more work up to see what is going on. The staff at Dove Lewis are beyond kind and will look after Zion today. I’ll keep you all updated. @theswiftiekittens said.


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A post shared by Jessica Thompson (@theswiftiekittens)

Not the news I wanted to share. I let Zion go this morning. His status declined and he started having seizures. To say I’m broken this morning is an understatement. @theswiftiekittens said.

From > @theswiftiekittens Follow @theswiftiekittens On Instagram and don’t forget to share this with your Friends.
Related Story > This is kitten Hubble. He is about 7 years old and we rescued him from euthanasia. His back story is that he was sick and in and out of ER’s and our hospital until finally he showed us what was making him sick.