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I just picked up these kitten littles. Five x 5 days old. The trapper is trying to get the mom.


I just picked up these kitten littles. Five x 5 days old. The trapper is trying to get the mom. I’m going to have my hands full when I get home. I’ll update when I’m able. @whiskersnpurrs said.
The new babies are plump and healthy for their age. But they’re not big fans of the fake nipple I’m trying to pass off as their mama, they’re onto me! 😳
So they’ve eaten a little, not a lot. I’ll feel better when they eat more. I’ll be up every two hours tonight. Pray the trapper gets mama cat very soon. These babies are much better off with her. #Italykittens @whiskersnpurrs said.

Goodnight kitten lovers ❤ #Italykittens @whiskersnpurrs said.
This is the reality of what bottle feeding newborn kittens looks like. It’s not all perfect latched on suckling and adorable ear wiggles. This little one is my good eater. They squirm and fight and turn their faces away from the nipple and scream bloody murder at me. It takes half an hour to feed all five of them 1 mL each. Which is not even close to enough. We do this every two hours. .
For the love of pete, please spay & neuter your pets. I beg you @whiskersnpurrs said.

The babies are catching on to this bottle feeding business – latching on and suckling. Look how fast the syringe goes down! This is all her, I’m not pressing. Such a relief as now they’re getting 6ml at a time instead of 1ml. .
Bonus – hummingbird feeding in the background! #Italykittens @whiskersnpurrs said.

I’m so happy to finally introduce you to mama Misty’s babies, the #Italykittens 🇮🇹
From left to right: Matteo, Giorgia, Stella, Luca, and Tony the tabby up front with a lot to say. .
I am totally smitten already 😍❤ @whiskersnpurrs said.
This is the little tabby boy. He’s one of the smallest. And he’s very mellow. He usually falls asleep while eating. I love him 😍 #Italykittens @whiskersnpurrs said.

Nite nite kitten lovers ❤ #Italykittens @whiskersnpurrs said.
Babies are eating well, gaining weight and comfortable. I can’t thank you all enough for your part in saving these guys. They’re cuddled up with the snuggle puppy (you can hear the ‘heart’ ticking in the video), there are two snugglesafe heat packs underneath them, they have a soft furry blanket, I have KMR and bottles and baby wipes and receiving blankets for feeding time. Everything we could possibly need supplied by YOU generous followers. .
It takes a village. Thanks for being my tribe kitten lovers 😘❤ #Italykittens @whiskersnpurrs said.

I just got this update on mama and babies. What a relief! Looks like they’re nursing. We will keep monitoring to make sure they’re getting enough milk. Mama should still be producing as they were only separated for 3 days. Normally it takes at least a week for mom to dry up. Fingers crossed everything continues to go well. .
The babies and mom will likely stay where they are for now as we don’t want to disturb them. The kittens may come back to foster with me when it’s time to wean. We think there’s a chance mama cat could be domesticated. She’s scared but not at all aggressive. It’s possible she was once someone’s pet and was abandoned or lost. #Italykittens @whiskersnpurrs said.
Mama and babies are doing so well. Their caregiver said she actually touched mamas head today, and she licked food off her finger. Amazing progress. It’s becoming obvious that this girl is not feral, and is more likely an abandoned pet. We are very hopeful with time, patience and love she will come around.
The babies are plump and healthy and their eyes are opening. I miss them so much. I’m hopeful they’ll come back to us soon ❤ #Italykittens @whiskersnpurrs said.
Looks who’s back! And their eyes are open! .
Mama and babies moved in today. These are the 5 kittens I took in to bottle feed about 10 days ago. Mama was finally trapped after three days and the family was reunited. They’ve been being cared for at our rescue’s intake location so that mama cat could be assessed. .
Mama’s name is Misty and she was definitely born feral. But she has lived in someone’s yard and been fed by them her whole life. So although she’s feral, she is familiar with humans. Her caretaker for the past week has been able to pet her head and hand feed her. She believes Misty has potential to be domesticated, so I’m going to work with her while she’s here raising her babies. .
Welcome to whiskersnpurrs House of Love precious little family. We can’t wait to know you ❤ #Italykittens @whiskersnpurrs said.

Hungry babies! Mama cat is pretty scared and spends a lot of time hiding. I keep an eye on the kittens from the Petcube and she does go in the nesting tote to feed and clean them. But I wish I could just tell her she’s safe and it’s ok to lay with her babies. No one is going to hurt her ❤#Italykittens @whiskersnpurrs said.

I love this age. They’re just so clutzy and feeble. Mama cat is still being camera shy 🐱 #Italykittens @whiskersnpurrs said.

I’m working on determining the genders and deciding on names. I believe we have three boys and two girls. I’ll do introductions as soon as I have time, but I just wanted to share this cutiepie with you. Look at her little face!! 😍❤ #Italykittens @whiskersnpurrs said.
The little ones and mama Misty are doing well. I spend time with them every day but I’m trying not to disturb feral mom too much – hence not a lot of photos or video to share. Once the big girls leave I’ll have more time to spend getting to know these guys and I’ll give them names ❤#Italykittens @whiskersnpurrs said.
Shhhh, don’t tell anyone. I’m keeping baby polar bears in my powder room 🤐 #Italykittens @whiskersnpurrs said.
There always has to be one cry baby 😍 #Italykittens @whiskersnpurrs said.

How precious is our little tabby boy? 😍❤#Italykittens @whiskersnpurrs said.
The baby polar bears and tiny tiger are outgrowing their enclosure. I’ll be moving them to the foster room soon 😍 #Italykittens @whiskersnpurrs said.

This face!! I. Can’t. Even. 😩😩😩#Italykittens @whiskersnpurrs said.
These li’l nuggets are ready to get out of the nesting tote. Soon babies, very soon 😍 #Italykittens @whiskersnpurrs said.

From: @whiskersnpurrs Follow @whiskersnpurrs on Instagram & Share This With your Friends!
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