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Meet kitten Dove! I was so excited when I found out I was picking up a kitten calico..


Meet kitten Dove! I was so excited when I found out I was picking up a kitten calico…I haven’t fostered one in almost two years! She’s very wary of me, but I know she’ll come around. Welcome Dove!🕊 (kitten 2/3) #thebirdkitties ————————————————————————
Their story: last night I picked up 3 kittens ages 5-6 weeks old. They’re from a Tennessee shelter so I don’t have their full backstory, but I do know that they’re very healthy and a little skittish around humans. My job is to socialize them and help them reach 2 lbs!



Little miss Dove🕊



What you’re seeing (and hearing) is the FIRST time Dove has EVER purred in front of me!! It’s been an entire week since I’ve had her and she’s finally decided to love me back. She overcame her fear of humans and I’m so proud of her!☺️


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A post shared by Alyssa Masten (@windycityfosters)

A chub belly, speckled toe beans, and crazy eyebrow whiskers? A recipe for the perfect kitten! Oh and yes, she does have a single black toe. It’s amazing.✨



So we’ve ended the weekend on an ok note. The good news is that everyone had solid poop today! The only thing that’s concerning me now is Dove’s weight gain, which is a little too slow for comfort. She’s more than 1/2 a pound lighter than her brothers and I’m not sure why…she’s hydrated, active, eating, and now fully dewormed. I think I’m going to try switching her to a different food and a different protein. If anyone has any other ideas, please let me know!



Update on Dove: so right after I posted about her slow weight gain, she actually started losing weight. This is cause for immediate concern in kittens of any age, so the shelter vet put her on a new medication right away and I have been keeping a very close eye on her hydration (which is currently normal). She also began showing a loss of appetite last night, so she gets a special diet of very enticing chicken baby food, probiotics, nutrical, pedialyte, and KMR. She’ll eat a little, but the rest has to be force fed with a syringe. Anyway, I’m glad to report that today she gained some of that weight back! Fingers crossed that she starts eating completely on her own again too so she can be a big and chunky as her brothers.♥️


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A post shared by Alyssa Masten (@windycityfosters)

Great news! Dove weighed in at 1.6 pounds today!! This is amazing progress for her. I’m still not 100% sure what caused her sudden weight drop, but I suspect it may have been an intolerance to fish. Her situation was nearly identical to what I went through last year with a kitten named Rosemary(@spice.sisters), who had the same issue. Dove is now thriving on a diet of poultry and probiotics, she’s got more muscle and fat on her bones, and she’s active and happy. All is finally right with the bird kitties and I really hope it stays that way.♥️



Love this little girl. She’s sooo close to reaching two pounds! I know she’ll be going off to find her forever home soon, so I’m soaking in every precious minute I have left with her and her brothers.♥️


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Related Story > someone found a 4 week old kitten outside without a mom and she needed a foster home.