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He’s one of the smallest kittens but he’s got a big voice!


He’s one of the smallest kittens but he’s got a big voice!

Meet kitten Flint, named after the Flint River in Georgia. He’s one of the smallest kittens but he’s got a big voice! He is certain his growls will scare off even the fiercest predators.



try and ignore the TV in the background to realize that…omg! Flint is purring while I give him head scratches!! I’m not sure what caused his sudden change of heart, especially since he just got a big mouthful of panacur, but this is definitely a #fostermomwin.

Can you tell who’s who? Rio is on the right and Flint is on the left! I’ve never had a pair of black kittens look so similar! Normally I can spot subtle differences in face and body shape, but if you told me these two are identical twins I wouldn’t doubt it. The only way I can tell them apart is eye color and the fact that Flint weighs less.👀



Today marks exactly 1 month that Loa has been sitting in the North Aurora @petsuppliesplus waiting for her forever home. She was a good mother, but her kittens have all been adopted so it’s her turn to get a happily ever after! She’s the sweetest house panther with the most adorable chirps. She loves to play but will also cuddle in your arms for hours. She will do best in a quiet, canine-free home and does well with other cats if slowly introduced. It breaks my heart so see her in the cage, so stressed by the everyday commotion. When I visited her, she licked my hand through the cage and I almost cried! Please, in honor of Friday the 13th, consider adopting this precious black cat or sharing her picture! DM me for more pictures or information.♥️

kittens kittens

@windycityfosters                                                   @windycityfosters
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