Ginger had her babies! She went into labor at 11 am, now by 2 pm she’s had, 5 boys! Unfortunately one of the babies has an umbilical hernia 🙁 @teenytinyfosters said.
Babies all in a line at the milk bar 🙂 all boys, 3 are orange tabby and white the other 2 are siamese I believe
Babies all cleaned up and slept after eating while Ginger was taking a break to go to the litter box and eat. Ginger still doesn’t feel like her tummy is flat and I’m still feeling movement so she could be still expecting another baby or two, we’ll see. She’s not in active labor right now! The siamese babies were the last to be born and are the biggest, the orange babies were all much smaller but all are active and doing well 🙂 names to come soon. @teenytinyfosters said.
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The #TeaKittens names in the order they were born: Chai, Matcha, Ginseng, Earl Grey, and Oolong! (I can tell the siamese babies apart since one has a flatter face and is bigger than the other)
All babies are doing well and gaining weight. Ginger has no more babies to come, the movement and size of her belly after birth turned out to be really bad gas and everything moving back into place, she’s now gas-free and back to normal 🙂 @teenytinyfosters said.
Chai enjoying his milk time with Ginger 😻 @teenytinyfosters said.
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Ginseng’s belly was getting worse and starting to bleed with all of the movement with Ginger and his brothers
I’ve separated him and been bottle feeding to avoid him getting injured. He’s bandaged with a pad with saline held on with vet wrap to keep it moist and protected along with an oral antibiotic until he’s little bigger to get further treatment.
He’s eating very well and is doing okay at this point 🤞🏻 @teenytinyfosters said.
A double yawn from Oolong and Matcha 💤
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