3 little sick kitten babies who could use some TLC. They already lost 2 brothers from their litter. 😿😿
So. I’ve been home just 24 hours. Look who we have here. 3 little sick babies who could use some TLC. They already lost 2 brothers from their litter. 😿😿
These babies are about 6 weeks old and have upper respiratory infections. They came accompanied with several medications and will get nebulizer treatments as well. I have them in my Clearly Loved Pets enclosure until they convince me they have good litter box habits.
Ice cream places is the theme for their names given by the shelter. They are Robbin, (Baskin was one of the babies who didn’t make it), Culvers, and Queen (from Dairy Queen)
#icecreamconekittens @kitten_faces said.
Good morning from Kittenland!
Foster Mom is in zombie mode. I returned from traveling late Tuesday, and Foster Dad and I had to go to my mom’s and rescue most of the contents of her fridge and freezer since the derecho storm the night before knocked out her power. (Check out the video @scout.tucker.goldfish.winston posted of the powerful storm). It looks like a war zone in parts of Fort Wayne!
We took my mom out to dinner and she decided to spend Tuesday night at her own place, thinking that her power would soon be restored. It wasn’t. So Wednesday morning I took coffee to her and brought her back here as it was already 96 degrees out. Shortly afterwards I picked up these 3 sick kittens plus a singleton. Hurriedly trying to get them all settled in! We went out for dinner because I was not in “cooking mode” yet, and my mom’s power came back on around 9 pm. So then we spent the next hour cleaning out the fridge of stuff she’d left behind. Everything had to go in the trash as electricity had been out 48 hours by then. Hubs and I returned back to our home around 11 pm, then I had to give meds to the older kittens and feed the tiny one. He is on a 2-3 hour feeding schedule.
We are grateful to the electric company workers for getting power restored so quickly after such a devastating storm.
I hope to go live today to do proper introductions. 🤗 Until then, it’s going to be a day of multiple cups of coffee ☕️ @kitten_faces said.
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Robbin, Culvers and Queen. Yes, their eyes look disgusting. They were cleaned before bed last night and this is the discharge due to upper respiratory infections. In my arsenal I have oral medication as well as eye ointment. They should start looking better soon. 😽
Yes, they still have their paper identification collars on from the shelter. As of right now I cannot tell Queen and Robbin apart from one another, so at least one of them will wear a velcro collar. They are a bit shy, especially Queen, but I’m loving that they are great little eaters and are active and constantly purring. In a few days they will gain more access to the foster room.
We are happy they are here! @kitten_faces said.
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A bath 🛀🏼 is on the agenda for these floofs. They have some fleas. Nobody likes being itchy. @kitten_faces said.
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Robbin has a bath. 🛀🏼🛀🏼🛀🏼
Thank you to our friend Jess @scout.tucker.goldfish.winston, for coming over this afternoon to help with baths, meds, feedings, and providing laughter and moral support. You are such a joy @kitten_faces said.
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Welcome to Robbin’s Bath, Part Two 🛀🏼
If ever a kitty loved getting a bath, it’d have to be this girl!
Once she was rinsed, I handed her off to Jess @scout.tucker.goldfish.winston for a thorough fluff dry and a comb-through with a flea comb. Then we put all the kittens in a carrier, outside on my front porch, to allow the 92 degree temperature to complete the drying while keeping their little bodies warm. It only took a few minutes.
Clean, fluffy, sunshine fresh babies with no more fleas! Hooray! @kitten_faces said.
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Happy vertical tails and forward hopping!
The older babies have discovered that their little leggies like to leap and pounce. I’m letting them have periods of time outside of their playpen.
Paper collars have been removed, and to distinguish Queen from Robbin, Queen wears the pink velcro collar now.
I’ve mentioned before but it bears repeating that it is important to be able to identify which kitty is which, especially when it comes to administering medication. Collars are not too tight nor too loose and are checked daily. @kitten_faces said.
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A few minutes before, they were all playing in the litter box. 😹 @kitten_faces said.
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It’s fun to see their little purrsonalities develop. Robbin and Queen, the 2 black girl kitties, are very affectionate and purr constantly. Culver is more hesitant and still a bit shy. @kitten_faces said.
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Good morning from Kittenland 🌞
#ollietheorangeguy @kitten_faces said.
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You know how I usually line up the kittens’ food dishes for breakfast? Well, turns out Miss Robbin has some food aggression issues. For whatever reason, she feels threatened by the others and is growly/grumbly. So I’ve strategically placed their food bowls do that the kittens all are facing OUT, thus keeping an eye on potential ambushes.
In addition, allowing them to feed simultaneously while seeing one another from a distance makes them feel more secure. No bullying allowed! @kitten_faces said.
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