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Meet newest foster! 2 day old kitten who was born to a feral cat.


Meet newest foster! 2 day old kitten who was born to a feral cat.

He was found ice cold on Sunday with his placenta still attached, meaning his mother was likely young and inexperienced, abandoning her babies in the cold. The only other litter mate was unfortunately found deceased.

He’s in surprisingly good shape mostly thanks to his finders, who warmed him up and tried their best to syringe feed him formula. He weighed in at 111 grams and downed 3.5 mls of formula (@revivalanimalhealth’s Breeders Edge), which I’ve diluted 1:4 to help ease him into the new diet. I will slowly increase the dilution over the next 24 hours. He’s also gotten a dose of PenG, which helps combat diarrhea in newborn kittens (a protocol I borrowed from @maddiesfund and @austinpetsalive). He’s cozied up in my incubator at 88 degrees with his @calmeroos kitty and a little stuffed dog that was gifted to him by the finder’s son. The little boy asked if I could keep the stuffed dog with the kitten because it was his favorite, and I happily obliged.

So please help me welcome and wish this little kitten well, because the next few days will be crucial. Also, don’t mind my scratched up hand because that’s what happens when you’re socializing feral kittens and have to medicate a 5 month old torbie kitten with an attitude lol.



This little man made it through his first day here and that means he gets an official name! I decided to name him Aloe. Almost every singleton I get ends up with a plant-themed name! He came to work with me this morning where he got doted on and began establishing his fan club. Now we are both ready for a nap, along with the 6 other kittens I woke up 5 times in the night for Aloe’s feedings…sorry crew!



A lot of you were surprised by Aloe’s little murder mittens. Yep, they’re as sharp as they look! It might be time for a nail trim.


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Are those teeny tiny eye holes I see? Aloe is 10 days old, so the eyeball fairy should be visiting any day now! His ears will also unseal, so he will be able to hear the world around him. Exciting times!



Aloe wishes to announce to the world that he is a whole 200 grams!! And he will be two weeks old on Sunday. Keep growin’ little man!💕



Happy 2 week birthday, Aloe! He got dewormer as a gift. Just what every kitten dreams of, right?




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At three weeks old, Aloe is still sporting his murder mittens! Accented by some cute lil maroon colored toe beans.🖤




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I tried to get a video of Aloe making biscuits but I think I embarrassed him.


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