This is kitten Sol 😍
He’s still got some congestion and weepy eye, but it’s definitely not slowing him down. He’s such a little character – one moment he’s flopping down on me for cuddles, then he’s trying to eat my face 😳
It’s just a coincidence that his name is Sol, I didn’t name these guys. Our previous Sol was actually Soleil on her records 🤷🏼♀️ @whiskersnpurrs said.
Fact: there are always enough snuggles for everyone ❤ @whiskersnpurrs said.
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I’m so in love already. These two are just the juiciest little peaches 🍑
Sol’s ear is really black because his tattoo has scabbed over. Once it heals it should be less obvious 🐱 @whiskersnpurrs said.
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Why I get nothing done: Exhibit A 😝 @whiskersnpurrs said.
Is there anything better than sleepy snuggly purring kittens on a Saturday morning? I mean besides cold leftover pizza 🍕 @whiskersnpurrs said.
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It started out as a story about a precocious ginger grape thief. But then… plot twist! 😳
At no point in the story were grapes being consumed, only fondled 🍇 @whiskersnpurrs said.
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Good morning. I love you ❤ @whiskersnpurrs said.
These two cherubs 😍
Sol’s weepy eyes and crusties are looking better today. Both are still a bit wheezy and sneezy, but it hasn’t slowed them down at all. They need to be 100% healthy for adoption. We will be saying goodbye very soon tho. Just think how happy they are going to make their new families this Christmas ❤ @whiskersnpurrs said.
Goodnight kitten lovers ❤ @whiskersnpurrs said.
Two doses of gingerlove in the morning to cure all ails ❤ @whiskersnpurrs said.
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I’m pretty sure this is the face Harry was making when Meghan Markle fell in love ❤ @whiskersnpurrs said.
If I were you, I’d be asking Santa for pink kitten toe beans 😍 @whiskersnpurrs said.
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Sweet dreams kitten lovers ❤ @whiskersnpurrs said.
Goodbye sweet boys. Have a wonderful life with your new families ❤ @whiskersnpurrs said.
The boys were adopted together today. It was a good day ❤ @whiskersnpurrs said.
Missing these two big time! My day is just not the same without gingerlove ❤
I heard from their new family and all is well. They’re adjusting and playing and getting loved on. Their new names are Oscar & Frankie, but I don’t know which is which! Not sure if they will have an Instagram but I’ll let you know 🐱 @whiskersnpurrs said.