they are premature and so small kitten for their age I’m hoping the rest can all make it past this fragile stage!
introducing the #CrackerKits! kitten ♡
I picked up this kitten litter of 6 yesterday afternoon from another foster and they are so teeny tiny kitten !We believe they may be a little kitten premature based on development and weight but everyone is eating really great and very active so far!
Names to come ♡ @teenytinyfosters said.
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Introducing the #CrackerKits! kitten
We have kitten Annie, kitten Cheez-it, kitten Nabisco, kitten Keebler, kitten Ritz, and kitten Triscuit. Unfortunately, baby kitten Triscuit passed away at 4am this morning due to extreme constipation and resulting dehydration, as they are premature and so small for their age I’m hoping the rest can all make it past this fragile stage! @teenytinyfosters said.
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Rest In Peace little kitten Annie.
She became very lethargic early yesterday afternoon and required my full attention all day.
She was getting lots of supportive care but became too weak in the end. Once she got to a certain point it was time to stop keeping her alive and I stopped supportive care to let her go less painfully around 1 am.
Her belly was quite distended despite not being able to eat much on her own most of the day. We believe she and Triscuit may have had underdeveloped digestive systems or something else wrong internally.
The other crackers are stable for now and will be starting on some antibiotics today. @teenytinyfosters said.
Little Ritz cracker having some milkies early this morning! His latch here was a little weaker than usual and he started declining and refusing to eat the next couple of feedings. I’m tube feeding him now, and he’s been getting his energy back up more and more each time! Not totally out of the woods yet considering his sibling’s issues the past few days but he’s 10 times better than he was doing at 5 am this morning @teenytinyfosters said.
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Ritz is doing better and better, he’s still on the tube for now but his energy is almost back up to normal!
Milkie dreams from the pile of crackers ♥︎
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Nabiso’s ear wiggles!!
He’s the loudest of the #CrackerKits when he wants his milkies ☺︎
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Keebler is the first to get his peepers! Those long white whiskers are too adorable ♥︎
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Look who started latching last night! This was his first time since starting on the tube. He had just been tube fed and decided to give it a try on his own ☺︎
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Cheez-it having some milk dreams
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Some major airplane ear wiggles from little Snowdrop ✿ ❄︎
She’s still one of the most wiggly eaters I’ve had
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Keebler and his long white whiskers getting some milkies again! He and the other crackers are dealing with some gross GI issues today, thankfully had already just started on some precautionary antibiotics. Little Ritz had a bad day this evening and had some pretty weird symptoms. I’m going to be tube feeding him again to try and get him more stable! @teenytinyfosters said.
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