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These 2 nuggets were rescued by the amazing @smittens_rescue from a shelter down in Mexico, where they had been placed on a sick mama and couldn’t properly nurse for several days.


New fosters! This is Dash & Smidgen 💕

These two nuggets were rescued by the amazing @smittens_rescue from a shelter down in Mexico, where they had been placed on a sick kitten mama and couldn’t properly nurse for several days. They came to me yesterday and had a worrisome but successful first night…at approximately five weeks old, they’re the size of small 1-2 week olds but are maintaining weight.

When they arrived, Dash had a abscess still draining on his neck…as we got him cleaned up, it popped right open and we pulled a foxtail out! It is clean and healing now but had to have hurt with the pressure. He also had a sizeable tick sucking him dry on his hind leg, which was quickly removed, and some stick fleas in his ears. The plus is, he latches! I have a smooth slurry made up for this pair to fill them with more substantial calories for their age, and he suckles on a bottle like a champ (though it takes him a while, because swallowing is hard work!).

Smidgen is the rougher of the two, despite the fact that he is slightly larger. He is less responsive and I’ve had to tube feed him since he got here because he shows no interest in eating normally – but, considering he still meows and purrs when I hold or touch him and is way less dehydrated than he was upon arrival, I’m calling it a win for now.

I will say, with how dirty they are, I can’t wait until they’re strong enough to bathe! Just wiping them off isn’t enough for this grime and they are a bit gross at the moment.

All the prayers and good thoughts are appreciated on this orange duo…they’ve got a long way to go 💕 @foster_kitten_factory said.

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Alright friends…Dash needs all the prayers, good vibes, and anything else you got.

This little kitty muffin is not doing too wonderfully this morning – though he hasn’t dropped weight, I did have to tube feed him today as he wouldn’t eat on his own. The abscess originally on his neck released its crust and additional pus, so it’s wide open and raw right now. He still walks around a small bit and purrs when snuggled, but isn’t meowing when I enter the room like he was before and hasn’t left the heating pad much. I don’t like the lethargy or the fact that he hasn’t urinated recently, but he used the box like a champ last night with solid stool.

Right now, I’m just feeling guarded and worried about his condition overall. He came in as the seeming stronger one (though smaller and suffering from more issues) and is losing that spunk, which I don’t like at all. But if he’s willing to fight, so are we! ❤️ Will update as I can, but for now, please just send all your love his way. @foster_kitten_factory said.


Rest easy, my sweet Dash 💕

If nothing else, his last two days on this earth were loaded with love, full bellies, and warm snuggles with his brother.

For the love of God, spay and neuter your animals. This suffering was needless. @foster_kitten_factory said.


Guess who’s thriving? Smidgen!

This little nugget is actually doing really well and I’m so grateful. Not only has he gained 75 grams since arriving three days ago, but he is now latching on a syringe for thicker gruel (instead of requiring tube feedings of thinner slurry) and adores exploring his playpen. He’s still enjoying the heat of his snuggle safe while he naps and purrs every time I pick him up 💕

And the other plus is…he pooped! After three days of only peeing via stimulation, he finally relieved himself (all over my lap 🤦🏼‍♀️) of a large amount of well formed, perfect color stool. That was the only other major worry I had with him for the moment, so it’s a huge relief (to him as well). Hopefully, once he hits 300 grams or so, we can get him all scrubbed off to remove the last grime of his life before. @foster_kitten_factory said.

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The face of a nugget who…

– loves gnawing fingers, blankets, and the stuffed ghost as big as he is

– purrs like a freight train and adores scratches all over

– uses the box like a champ

– .weighed 331 grams this morning!

So proud of this silly little turd ❤️ @foster_kitten_factory said.


What a difference consistent care makes!

We received Smidgen only a week ago, and I’ve already seen so much progress with this little squirt. He is eating wonderfully, slowly figuring out the litter box, and nearing 400 grams already! That will be double his intake weight.

This photo embodies his personality perfectly! He is a silly, active, and playful little guy who is just figuring out the world and loooves to be loved. His scratchy meow is precious and I simply adore him 💕 Keep growing, little one! @foster_kitten_factory said.

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A very dirty boy got a much needed bath today! Now, for a nap…💖

Smidgen has desperately needed a warm bath since he arrived, but we wanted to postpone until he had gained some weight and stabilized a bit in terms of condition. Weighing in at nearly 500 grams, Smidge is much closer to the actual size range for a kitten his age (just over 6 weeks now) and eating much more age appropriately too than he was upon arrival.

So, now that he’s figured out wet food and the litter box, he has run of the foster room and got a nice scrubbing to top it off! All of the flea dirt and grime of his past life have left a fluffy clean sweetheart in its wake 😊 @foster_kitten_factory said.

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When he stops long enough, Smidgen is a total ham 💗 Please enjoy our mini photo shoot today, complete with lots of bunny kicks and tiny purrs.

In other news, this dude has firm stool again! It’s not quite perfect, but it looks like his GI issues are finally clearing up. I’m so proud of how far this little fuzzball has come, honestly. From tube feeding and heat pads every few hours to running around like a playful kitten! @foster_kitten_factory said.

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Little Smidgen had his first FVRCP today! Sweet dude slept like this all the way home 💕

He will hopefully be getting some buddies his age to play with next week and then go for neuter! So proud of this nugget and how far he’s come. @foster_kitten_factory said.


My precious tiny Smidgen 💕

I adore this boy more than words can say. I am so truly proud of his growth and development into the spunky, sweet, and strong kitten he has become over the last couple of months.

From an emaciated, 200 gram, flea infested 5-week-old baby to a chonky, 1200+ gram, hilarious 3-month-old mini cat…it has certainly been a journey.

And now, this dorky bean gets to go home with his favorite sister, Rosie! I’ll be able to keep tabs on him as he grows, and he’ll have a new mama that loves him to bits. 💗

Though it’s hard to know that we couldn’t save his brother, I know that Dash was so deeply loved while he was with us. He was my first foster loss in six years and that had an impact on me…but Smidge simply wouldn’t have survived without some serious intervention either and we were successful in that!

I learned so much with this case, namely tube feeding – a valuable, yet terrifying, nutritional support skill to use with a critical baby. Just so many things to be grateful for with my lovely Smidge…here’s to many years of an incredible life for him and his sibs ☺️ @foster_kitten_factory said.


Look at these two! Smidge is so happy in his new home and is making his sister, Pastel, feel comfortable during their transition together. I couldn’t be happier for him.

Next Story > Meet Ghost and Goblin! These 2 cute kittens babies are going to be crashing with us for the next week or so while a foster gets opened up for them through the ever amazing @therescuehouse 💗
From > @foster_kitten_factory Follow @foster_kitten_factory on Instagram and don’t forget to share this with your Friends .