These kitten guys are 3 weeks old
I have been hiding a surprise all weekend, welcome kitten Copper and kitten Tod! These guys are 3 weeks old and are underweight so I was just being cautious with there intros. Tod is latching well as of last night and kitten Copper is still trying to figure it out. Both kitten boys are gaining well. Whose can guess the movie they are named after? @orphanedkitty_corner said.
As if these kitten boys haven’t dealt with enough we now suspect they have ringworm.
Can we raise $150 for RW treatment for kitten Tod and kitten Copper? kitten Copper isn’t showing any lesions but we will be treating anyway because he has been with his brother. Please check out our linktree in our bio for ways to donate!
Without our supporter we can’t keep doing what we are doing. @orphanedkitty_cornerkitten said.
*Fungus among us update*
We have raised $124.00 of the $150.00 goal! Thank you all so much Tod also thanks you! We haven’t had any now spot show up and no new glowing. We did order some RW meds so I hope they will clear up Tod’s face quickly. @orphanedkitty_corner said.
Ever wanted to know what it’s like to give 2 angry kittens a ringworm bath…look no further.
Little do they know that while they’re soaking in their medicated shampoo I was about to pass out from heat stroke because our bathroom was so hot.
Copper doesn’t have any spots but he is being treated as a precaution since he lives with his brother as far as Tod goes his spot is looking much better and he doesn’t have any new ones. @orphanedkitty_corner said.
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*Fungus Among Us UPDATE*
Well we are making progress, we did have to switch up shampoos but we have STUBBLE growing back in so that is great news. Ringworm is more of an annoyance then anything, it’s not deadly on its own, it is contagious but can be easily contained; It does require time and baths. @orphanedkitty_corner said.
**Fungus Among Us Update**
Tod’s face is looking so much better! He has most of the hair growing back in and is definitely less glow-y. Copper never got any lesions which is a great thing! Both boys are growing like weeds and their new favorite thing is this scratcher globe. @orphanedkitty_corner said.
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The boys want to wish everyone a wonderful Sunday and a Happy Mother’s Day! These boys will be available for pre-adoption soon, if you are interested in them please see our link in the bio for the adoption application. @orphanedkitty_corner said.