cat Simon. He was found in someone’s garden with “something on his face” sad ending
This is my little overnight foster, Simon. He was found in someone’s garden with “something on his face” which ended up being a massive bot fly (aka warbles, wolf worm). It was pulled out, the wound was flushed, and he was started on antibiotics. And now we have a lil 4 week old siamese boy with two big holes in his face. Yes, he also has a URI.
He sees the shelter vet tomorrow and since I’ll be at the shelter early in the AM, I decided to take him home tonight so I could bring him back tomorrow for his appointment.
I gotta say, he’s pretty darn cute even as a hot mess. windycityfosters said that
Simon update! This video is a short clip of what his wound flushes look like. It doesn’t hurt him, but he’s still not a fan (understandably).
Simon saw the shelter vet today for his bot fly wound. While kittens normally heal completely from bot fly infections, Simon’s was quite large and has some dead tissue so even if it heals completely they predict a wonky-looking face. That’s ok—we can deal with that! He is on subq fluids, 4x daily wound flushes, Clavamox, eye drops, and on Monday he will get a blood serum for his eyes as well.
I was only going to foster him overnight so I could bring him to his appointment, but there are only a few other fosters experienced with medical cases. Since they all happen to have kittens with infectious illnesses right now, I’m keeping him until he finishes the more complicated elements of his treatment plan. Then he will go to a foster who has another single kitten so they can grow up together after Simon heals!
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Simon is a hot mess with his food and medication-stained fur, but he’s a less hot mess than he was when he came in! I’m most proud of his clear blue eyes, which were once crusty and swollen. His wound is looking a ton better too and healthy new tissue is starting to form.
He also purred for the first time today, which was amazing. If it wasn’t already obvious, I’m obsessed with him.
Simon update! He’s doing phenomenal and his wound is healed to the size of a pencil eraser. He’s got quite a big personality and plays with anything that moves! He’s still got some watery eyes, but recently started on serum eye drops—it is spun from the blood of a healthy cat and provides support in the healing of eye infections.
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Here is the most requested kitten! Simon got the most votes in my story yesterday with the runners up being Aloe and Ducky. I can tell why—he’s a doll and he’s got a cool backstory. I’ve had him for over a week now and here are a few things I’ve learned about him:
– He loves to play with anything that moves. Anything.
– He’s picky about his food and requires only the BEST wet food on a silver platter. Which he gets because he deserves it.
– He’s got a quiet little purr motor that took me a while to hear, but now that he’s happy it runs non-stop
– He’s grumpy about getting his medication (which is fair)
It’s everyone favorite boy! Unfortunately Simon has been experiencing a flare-up of his eye infection, so I am talking to our clinic about getting him some more meds.
He’s also not eating as well as I’d like (which could be due to his irritated eye and not feeling well) so I’m going to offer him some tempting foods to fatten him up a little. Chicken baby food usually does the trick! Fingers crossed.
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This post hurts to make. I debated posting it this soon, because even my own brain is struggling to process what happened. But you all love him too, so here it goes.
Simon died last night. It’s too difficult for me to go into detail right now other than whatever disease/disorder/deformity killed him caused a swift and rapid decline in health that gave me little to no warning signs. In the morning he had a goopy eye, but he was energetic and eating well. By nightfall he had a horrifyingly high fever and progressively worse URI symptoms. I immediately drove to get him fluids and antibiotics, but he was too far gone. He died in my arms before any medication was able to take effect.
Please no speculations as to what happened or “did you try ___” in the comments. Me and the shelter’s foster and veterinary teams are the only ones who know him and his medical history to it’s full extent.
Rest In Peace, Simon. I am glad I was able to provide you with love and warmth and that you knew a time in which you were healed from your injuries even if it was short. You took a piece of my heart with you.