The newest fosters kitten are 2 days old with umbilical cords still attached! from: @teenytinyfosters
from: @teenytinyfosters
The vet determined yesterday that my foster has a huge hernia and would need surgery if she survives ): when I saw her hernia and loss of appetite I didn’t know if she would make it through the night. Now she’s been latching well and getting stronger like her brother . @teenytinyfosters said.
Poor kitty’s hernia has gotten larger as she’s growing and filling up her tummy with milk
This is Lucky, named by his finder. He and his sister Chance were found wrapped up in a scarf only one day old
The chance finally latched after starting them on goat milk
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Lucky loves stretching out his little legs
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Yes, lucky poses for the pictures. (:
Chance is hanging in there for her second vet visit tomorrow morning for her hernia. It’s still been getting bigger every day
Lucky showing off his big belly in his favorite position, on his back, after a nice warm bottle!
Chance and Lucky have started to play with each other! Chance tries to keep up even with her hernia.
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I was able to find a surgeon willing to do the surgery. We are trying to let her get bigger so that her chance of surviving the surgery is better, since the hernia can’t be manually manipulated back into place, we decided to leave her with a temporary bottle feeder who lives much closer to the animal hospital in case she needs emergency surgery. @teenytinyfosters said.
sad update: Late last night I got a call from the temporary bottle feeder saying that Chance had pooped a lot that day but wasn’t eating anymore and was struggling to breathe. She said the hernia got bigger and seemed like her stool was pushing the intestines even more. She checked her temperature and it was down to 94 even with trying to warm her with a heating pad and on her chest. Chance was beginning to mouth breathe for air within an hour, which is when she decided it was time to take her to the vet. Her hernia got bad too quickly and she was crashing so they put her to sleep. @teenytinyfosters said.
Lucky is starting to learn to walk! He likes to sit up and watch everything. His teeth are barely starting to grow in and he’s starting to try to play and bite!
Lucky’s first time lapping food!
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Lucky snuggling in the blankets just two weeks ago, he’s grown so much!
Lucky is getting so big!
Lucky is almost 2 pounds already! He is a very curious and playful kitten