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She came into the shelter beginning of the week and had to have her front leg amputated. She was sitting in her cage, meowing and begging for my attention.(1 sad cat)


 She was sitting in her cage, meowing and begging for my attention.(1 sad cat)

New foster!!! Tonight I went to the shelter to pick up Polly after her spay surgery and saw this little girl. She came into the shelter beginning of the week and had to have her front leg amputated. She was sitting in her cage, meowing and begging for my attention. I ended up taking her out (big mistake) and snuggling her. She instantly started to purr and so I decided to take her home. 🙈 I just felt horrible that she was at the shelter, in a cold cage, all by herself after such a big surgery. She needs soft blankets, love, snuggles and a safe place to learn how to navigate life with three legs. I definitely didn’t need a 13th foster, but she needed me. ❤️ @tiny.paws.fosters said.
I am absolutely blown away by all your kindness and generosity. Thank you to everyone who has sent items to us from our Amazon wish list. I appreciate it more than you know. As you can see, our girl is doing well. She’s cuddly, clumsy and so sweet. ❤️ @tiny.paws.fosters said.

Love, soft blankets, food and time to heal is what she needs. If you are inspired by this beauties story, stop by your local shelter and pick up some fosters.I bet you they need you as much as she needed me. ❤️ @tiny.paws.fosters said.
Violet 💜 @tiny.paws.fosters said.
My little nugget isn’t feeling well. She isn’t interested in food or water and just wants to be held. We’ve done several force feedings today so hopefully tomorrow she will be in better spirits. 💜 @tiny.paws.fosters said.
After several syrgine feedings, Violet decided to eat a little on her own! 🎉 I am already looking forward to getting home from work and spend the night cuddling this nugget @tiny.paws.fosters said.

Sweet little Violet saw the vet yesterday and she got a clean bill of health! 🎉 The vet thinks she just needs time to adjust to a new environment and life on three legs. Her sutures will come out this week as well, and I’ll start to encourage her to move and play more now that I know she’s not sick or in pain. I also finally found a brand of wet food she like, it’s called fussie cat (so fitting) and she’s loving it. Things are heading in the right direction with this little nugget. @tiny.paws.fosters said.
Happy Thanksgiving! Today I am grateful for each and every one of you for your support, love and kindness. @tiny.paws.fosters said.


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This girl can’t catch a break! She now has 💩 issues and is coming down with a upper respiratory infection. 😔 @tiny.paws.fosters said.
Update on Violet: We just finished her humidifier treatment, she had dinner and now she’s snuggled up on my chest purring up a storm. She’s not doing well and isn’t improving with the medicine she’s on, so we are going to the vet in the morning to make sure there isn’t anything else going on. Within 48 hours she has gone downhill very fast, which is always very concerning with these little guys. Thankfully, she hasn’t lost her appetite and is still purring. Fingers crossed tomorrow’s appointment goes well. 💜 @tiny.paws.fosters said.

UPDATE: Violets entire vet bill was covered by @nscrabbs!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! 💜
Violet did so well at the vet. She received an injectable antibiotic, as well as nebulizer treatment which will break up all the gunk and help her breath easier. If she doesn’t improve by Thursday with the current medicine she’s on, the vet has given me different (stronger) medicine to put her on. Fingers crossed she starts to get better! If you would like to help with her vet bill from today (which was $95), you can donate to my PayPal account at or call the vet directly referencing Cat Calls – Violet bill. If you call the vet to donate, please let me know so I can keep track. Thank you. 💜 @tiny.paws.fosters said.

cat cat

Update on Violet: This morning she looked worse than last night and her eye almost fused together. After speaking to the vet, we started her on the stronger medicine today instead of waiting like we originally discussed. I covered her eye in this picture, because it looks very bad and not everyone can stomach to see it. For now, we are applying warm compressions, eye drops and doing humidifier treatments. She’s still in good spirits, eating and purring. If there is no improvement by Friday, we are going back to the vet Saturday. Cross your fingers, send good vibes, pray, whatever you do, because this girl needs it! 💜 @tiny.paws.fosters said.


Violet update: She’s doing much better! Still congested and sneezing but I can finally see her eye again! 🎉 It’s been a rough couple days with Violet being so sick, myself getting sick and working two jobs. Thankfully both, Violet and I are feeling better and she’s actually showing interest in playing! Yay! @tiny.paws.fosters said.


From > @tiny.paws.fosters Follow @tiny.paws.fosters On Instagram and don’t forget to share this with your Friends.
Related Story > Yesterday the county shelter 1 asked for help with a kitten that was found at a restaurant in a car engine and since she was the same age as kitten Boo and even looked like her I decided to take her.