Had to take this cute cat Static into the vet today after he vomited a brown liquid, didn’t want to eat, and was acting lethargic. She thinks he’s either constipated (more likely) or has an obstruction, so he has a day to try and use the litter box or we are looking at further diagnostics including potential surgery. He’s getting fluids and being syringe fed to help him get things moving. Fingers crossed!🤞 @themarigoldkittencrew said.

Made it home with Static! For those of you who haven’t been following my stories, Static was rushed to the vet this morning due to lethargy, vomiting, ataxia, pale gums, and weakness. He was placed on an IV and tested for FIV, FeLV, and panleuk (which he had been fighting about a week ago). All negative. No fluid in the abdomen (which could indicate FIP).
When he was stable enough, he went in for exploratory surgery to explain a weird lump in his abdomen. Turns out he was suffering from intussusception, in which the intestines fold into themselves, and about 6 inches of his intestines were removed. This can happen after a viral infection, which makes sense considering he had been battling panleukopenia last week.
He is set up in my incubator with an IV catheter and is receiving pain meds and dextrose. He is still coming out of anesthesia so isn’t quite awake, but he is starting to follow my hand with his eyes. He will be back at the clinic tomorrow morning for observation while I’m at work.
To be clear, we are not out of the woods. Just have to take his step by step. He is lucky to be alive. @themarigoldkittencrew said.
Surprise! Not only did Static make it through the night, but he was doing fantastic this morning! This video was taken before his re-check when he was able to get his IV catheter removed. We are back home and he is busy making non-stop biscuits and purring. Our next hurdle is getting him to eat—he’s taken a few nibbles but we need to turn this baby back into a chonky boy. 🍗 @themarigoldkittencrew said.
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Static is ok! He had a bit of a rough day on Friday as some URI symptoms started popping up and his energy levels were low despite a normal blood glucose level and hydration. But we got some antibiotics in him and he woke up the next morning hungry for breakfast. He’s been through so, so much in his 2.5 months of life and he’s still got some ways to go, but he’s a fighter.♥️ @themarigoldkittencrew said.