4 new kitten . Only 6 days old; their mom was killed by a car. 😿
Here we go again.
If you missed my live video, Kittenland gained 4 new tinies. Only 6 days old; their mom was killed by a car. 😿
There are two brown tabbies, a gray tabby, and an orange baby. I am unsure of genders at this point.
The need is great right now for fosters. Our shelter is full, and our current fosters already have at least one litter or group of kittens. There literally was no one else to take these kittens. Truthfully, I said no at first. I feel like I just got Odie over her lack of appetite slump, and have had just a few nights where I haven’t gotten up to check on kittens. But yet here they are.
Welcome teeny tinies! @kitten_faces said.
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Poor tinies. They miss their mother. (She was killed in the road by a car)
So far they’ve been pretty good little eaters. @kitten_faces said.
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Good morning from the tinies! They had a good first night here in Kittenland and all have positive weight gains.
Me, I pushed the brew button on my coffeemaker without putting the mug under it. You know those little reservoir trays? They hold exactly one cup. 😂🥱 @kitten_faces said.
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Tiniest nugget.
This bean is the smaller of the 2 brown tabbies. I’ve placed a tiny dot of blue magic marker in his right ear to tell them apart. He has been the biggest eater- this morning sucking down an impressive 12 ml of formula! That’s just a tad over 2 teaspoons, by the way.
After closer examination of his undercarriage, I’m saying this one is a boy. So is the larger brown tabby and the orange baby, but I’m saying the gray tabby is our only girl. At least for now. We all know what happened with Odie. 😂 @kitten_faces said.
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Waking up is so hard to do. @kitten_faces said.
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Little brown, bigger brown, gray, and orange is how this group is listed on my feeding chart. I’ll name them soon; there’s just been a lot going on.
After checking undercarriages again, I believe little brown is a girl and gray is a girl. Check out gray’s two-tone front feet!
I’m so grateful they are good eaters and gaining weight, and I’m so grateful to have the privilege of raising them. @kitten_faces said.
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Go ahead. Pinch-zoom in on the smiling tabby in the back. 😻 @kitten_faces said.
Just as predicted, there was a visit from the Eyeball Fairy 🧚♀️
Closeups to come soon. 👀 @kitten_faces said.
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Stretching the wee leggies while displaying a few eyeballs and some cute kitten bums.
9 days old! @kitten_faces said.
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Things have been a *little* busy here in Kittenland, and I have not announced names for these tinies. They are going to be characters from Winnie the Pooh! Formal intros to follow. @kitten_faces said.